
Since 1992,
we are specialised in

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The Firm

Since 1992, we offer our clients legal advice in Civil Law, Business and Corporate Law, mergers, acquisitions and corporate restructuring, Tax Law, Labour Law, Administrative Law, Procedural Law and Bankruptcy Law.

We specialise in the defence of the financial interests of persons and companies, providing extrajudicial legal advice as well as assistance in court proceedings.

We have acted as lawyers in over 20.000 legal proceedings throughout the country in a wide range of cases in the civil, mercantile, labour and administrative courts. In doing so, we have advised and defended individuals, professionals, entire workforces, associations, professional associations, trading companies, insurance companies and financial institutions.


The object of property law is the study and application of the rules that govern the organisation and performance of a person’s economic activities.  More specifically, it is everything related to the laws governing obligations and contracts and the legal system that regulates the rights of ownership and in-rem rights (real estate law).

Our property laws are perhaps some of the most complex and extensive that exist, not only because of the length of time they have been in existence but also because of the large numbers of laws that apply to property ownership due to the fact that both the central government and the autonomous communities share the responsibility for enforcing them. This complexity is compounded by the fact that property law is so closely related to other branches of law, in particular tax law. Consequently, whenever possible, it is recommendable to seek the expert advice of professionals as a preventive measure. This can save the parties involved from future conflicts stemming from such things as faulty wording of the clauses of a contract, the tax implications of choosing one type of contract over another, the consequences of not verifying the registration status of a particular piece of property or, in short, any other questions related to a deficient analysis of the many factors that can come into play.

Our Department of Civil Law gives expert advice on any matters related to contract law and real estate law, whether at the initial stages, as a precautionary measure or at the lawsuit stage. Our Department of Procedural Law has long-standing experience in dealing with pre-trial proceedings, such as negotiation, mediation, reconciliation or amicable settlement, as well as in acting as legal counsel in all types of legal and arbitration proceedings.


Purchase Agreements

Stock Option Agreements

Swap Agreements

Lease Agreements

Transfer Agreements

Service Lease Agreements

Real Estate Brokerage Agreements

Industrial Lease Agreements

Works Contracts

Loan Agreements

Agency Agreements

Deposit Agreements

Debt Acknowledgment Agreements

Incorporation of Joint Ventures and Private Partnerships

Incorporation of Associations and Foundations

Incorporation of Properties under the Horizontal Property Regime


Legal defence in claims on property rights

Legal defence in claims on the division of common property

Legal defence in claims to recover property

Legal defence in enforcing the performance of a contract

Legal defence in claims for payment

Legal defence in claims of breach of contract

Legal defence in claims to terminate an agreement

Legal defence in claims on pre-emption and redemption rights for the acquisition of real estate

Legal defence related to the lease of property

Legal defence related to the horizontal property regime

Property boundaries and demarcation

Rights of usufruct, use and occupancy


Rights of mortgage and pledged collateral

Deeds of registration of new building work

Land registry title deeds

The Department of Marriage and Family Rights gives legal advice on the following matters:

Emancipation of minors

Admission of people with mental disorders in specialised institutions

Disqualification and appointment of legal guardians and legal representatives

Statements of absence of legal impairments and the death of missing persons

Financial regimes in marriages

Separation and divorce by mutual agreement and in contested divorce proceedings

Procedures for modifying separation and divorce settlements

Civil partnerships

Filiation proceedings for challenging or claiming parentage

The right to receive alimony payments

Mutual support cohabitation arrangements

The Department of Probate gives legal advice on the following matters:

The drawing up of notarised and holographic wills, as well as codicils and testamentary trusts: bequests, substitutions, trusts, guardians, successor trustees, executors, etc.

Applications for death certificates, wills and life insurance registry searches

Notarised and legal deeds of ab intestato heirs

Unconditional acceptance of an inheritance or the advisability of subjecting an estate to an inventory

Drawing up an inventory of an estate. Dividing an estate into parts. Lifetime gifts and their repercussion on the distribution of an estate

Notarised acceptance of an inheritance

Rights of widows, widowers and civil partners

Deeds and instructions on the distribution of bequests

In iure hearings

Declaring a will null and void

Enforcement of statutory heirship

Division and distribution of an estate

Advice on Inheritance and Gifts Tax

The Area of Horizontal Property gives legal advice on the following matters:

The constitution of buildings under the horizontal property regime and the drawing up and modification of the articles of association of homeowners associations

Homeowners meetings and the drawing up of resolutions and minutes

Out-of-court settlements and the filing of claims for homeowners association fees

Legal proceedings to prohibit activities that are a public nuisance or that are not permitted pursuant to the articles of association

Legal proceedings to remedy the deterioration of shared facilities

Defence in legal proceedings to challenge resolutions passed by homeowners associations

The Area of Rentals gives legal advice on the following matters:

Lease agreements for housing

Lease agreements for business premises

Due diligence reviews and audits of lease agreements

Eviction of tenants for defaulting on or being in arrears in rent payments

Eviction due to the termination of lease agreements

Eviction due to occupancy without lease

Eviction due to the rejection of an extension on a lease

Eviction due to non-use of property

Eviction due to the unauthorised assignment of tenancy

Legal proceedings to prohibit activities that are a public nuisance or that are not permitted pursuant to the articles of association

Enforcement orders and the termination of agreements due to unauthorised building work

Notifications of pre-emption rights

Redemption rights for lease of property

We draw up, analyse, interpret and negotiate all types of business agreements, and their terms and conditions. We also give our opinion and write reports on their validity, scope and content. By way of example, we deal with agreements on sales commissions, advertising, the creation and release of advertisements, agency arrangements, licensing and distribution, franchises, mediation and brokerage, factoring, sales, property leases, supplies, financial leasing, bailment, guarantees, loans, current accounts, bank contracts, shipping, insurance, manufacturing (OEM), business partnerships and joint ventures, as well as ensuring the performance of the above and taking actions in the case of breach of contract.

We also give advice to businesses in other areas of business law, specifically in competition law and unfair competition, industrial property rights, securities, personal data protection and electronic contracting.

Our involvement in the area of business law also covers the defence of businesses in court, by giving legal advice and managing all types of legal proceedings through the firm’s Department of Procedural Law. We specialise in legal actions involving the rescission of contracts, claims for payment, the termination of agreements due to fraud and breach, the remedy of latent defects, enforcement proceedings, unfair competition, industrial property and bankruptcy proceedings.

We have long-standing experience in giving advice on corporate law as legal counsel or as the secretary of the board of directors of trading companies. In particular, we ensure that all applicable legal regulations are complied with and we advise administrators, partners and directors on matters regarding their respective powers.

We give advice, draw up the relevant documentation and process all the paperwork necessary to incorporate any type of trading company, adopt and perform corporate resolutions (capital increases and reductions, and other amendments to the articles of association), release the annual accounts, issue calls to governing bodies (AGMs and boards of directors), keep the minutes book and shareholders’ register, see through mergers and other business restructuring arrangements, and deal with the dissolution and liquidation of companies.

We have wide experience in negotiating and executing private arrangements between shareholders, specifically, those relating to the transfer of shares, agreements with qualified majorities, rules on the members and voting systems of a company’s governing bodies, dividend distribution policies and the resolution of shareholder deadlocks.

Likewise, we deal with the particularities of family businesses and help clients choose the best options for their management and succession, with the ultimate aim of ensuring family businesses are profitable and continue to run in the future by trying to avoid potential disputes and mediating in them should they arise.

At the Department of Procedural Law, we advise our clients and take full responsibility for managing their legal counsel in all types of legal proceedings related to a company’s affairs, specifically, disputes between the company and its shareholders, and vice versa.

We give advice to our clients on the acquisition and sale of shares and businesses, as well as on mergers, demergers and other structural changes. They also come to us for guidance on strategic partnerships and joint ventures. The heads of our Department of Mergers and Acquisitions have been involved in over 100 operations in a number of business sectors in Spain and abroad. Specifically, they have acted as consultants for clients from the worlds of industry and finance in India, China (including Hong Kong), Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates (Dubai and Abu Dhabi), Turkey, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Andorra, Portugal, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Austria, Russia, the United States, Canada, Mexico, Morocco, Algeria, Senegal and Australia.

In order to assist us in these types of operations, we have entered into collaboration agreements and have long-standing relationships with third parties specialised in the non-legal work, such as financial, technology and data site consultants.

We advise and assist our clients at all stages of an operation by examining all of the peculiarities of their business, assessing their advantages and synergies, and protecting them against potential risks that could arise from the operation:

Do the preliminary groundwork, which may involve drawing up draft agreements and restructuring plans, designing and implementing the most suitable tax and legal framework, analysing the regulatory implications of a deal and the competition law, and arranging sales, including in calls for bids and requests for tender.

Conduct due diligence reviews for companies and/or the assets up for sale or purchase.

Complete operations by negotiating and drawing up sale purchase agreements (SPAs), and all other required documents (specifically shareholder agreements), as well as all other agreements related to the business up for sale and its directors.

Follow up our work by subsequently drafting corporate resolutions and business contracts, ensuring that the targets are met following the completion of a sale, restructuring a business following its acquisition, and giving advice on all corporate matters.

If a business is in trouble, filing for administration is not always the best way forward. What often happens is that failing to see that the situation could improve and putting off taking a decision makes it impossible to implement a specific line of action or to generally make the most of the resources available that will enable a business to successfully overcome the threat of insolvency. However, the most complex decision to take if faced with administration is without a shadow of a doubt whether or not to actually file for administration, rather than, as many may think, deciding whether to opt for receivership or bankruptcy.

The legal, financial and personal issues at stake are so high and complex in administration proceedings that a rash decision, a delay or the final solution adopted can either become a business’ greatest ally or worst enemy. An exhaustive knowledge of financial statements, a detailed analysis of the characteristics of creditors and the guarantees entered into with them, a realistic approach in viability studies, an awareness and analysis of the personal liabilities the members of a governing body may have assumed, and an exploration of all the legal options available to a business before filing for administration are, if taken as a whole, crucially important in taking the right decision at the right time.

When bankruptcy is inevitable for the debtor or the creditors, our Bankruptcy Department offers the following services:

Bankruptcy filings and legal representation in bankruptcy and settlement proceedings

Advice on/preparation of viability plans

Preparation and negotiation of bankruptcy settlement proposals

Legal advice and representation for qualification of bankruptcy proceedings

Legal advice and drafting of debt reporting documentation to the bankruptcy trustee

Legal advice and representation of creditors in bankruptcy proceedings

Filing bankruptcy applications initiated by creditors against debtors

Recovery actions

Legal advice and negotiations for the acquisition of goods, production units or bankrupt companies

In the year 2010, as a result of the international harmonisation of Criminal Law and the need to address the growing corporate crime problem more efficiently, the criminal liability of legal persons was introduced in the Criminal Code. Since 2014, with the amendment of the Spanish Corporation Law (Ley de Sociedades de Capital), the control over company administrators was strengthened, and a wider new framework of liability was established, as well as an increased duty of care in their management of the company. Moreover, in 2015, as a result of a profound amendment in the Criminal Code, the liability of legal persons was developed and clarified, explicitly establishing that a legal person will be exempted of criminal liability if it has a crime prevention, detection and response program.

From the Corporate Compliance Department, we offer legal advice to our clients in the following matters:

Drafting of a crime prevention, detection and response program (planning, diagnose, risk and control map, program design, communication, formation and evidence of compliance).

Legal advice to the Compliance Officer in its task of monitoring the functioning and compliance of the implemented prevention program.

Externalised management of the confidential channel of the crime prevention program.

Periodic revision of the program and detection of the need of its modification when relevant violations of its provisions occur or when changes are produced in the organization, in the control structure or in the performed activity.

Due Diligence of criminal risks in corporate operations.

Drafting of the Code of Ethics or Code of Conduct where the fundamental values and inspiring principles of the company are included.

Design of the corporative policy.

Since 1992, we have acted as lawyers in over 10.000 legal and arbitration proceedings throughout the country in a wide range of cases in the civil and mercantile courts. In doing so, we have advised and defended individuals, professionals, entire workforces, associations, professional associations, trading companies, insurance companies and financial institutions.

Whenever the preliminary actions that we invariably recommend should be attempted to resolve a dispute and avoid a lawsuit (negotiation, mediation, reconciliation or amicable settlement) have failed, there remains no other alternative other than to initiate legal or arbitration proceedings. At this stage, the successful outcome of a lawsuit will, in the first place, largely depend on the advice of an expert who will come up with the best material and/or procedural strategy to deal with the interests at stake and, secondly, on effective legal counsel able to obtain a favourable judgment. Seeking alternative solutions for conflict resolution and for the procedural strategy adopted if a lawsuit is inevitable, are the principles that govern our Department of Procedural Law and that ensure a high success rate for our clients.


Contractual nullity

Contractual compliance

Monetary claims

Contract termination for breach of contract

Good title and quiet enjoyment without latent defect

Actions related to insurance contracts

Actions related to distribution contracts, agency agreements, franchises and concessions

Actions for withdrawal from contracts and ultra dimidium

Enforcement proceedings and foreclosures

Actions in defence of property rights

Actions for division of common property

Interdiction actions

Withdrawal actions

Liability for driving accidents

Professional liability (medical malpractice)

Product liability

Construction and decennial liability

Hunter’s liability

Unfair competition and industrial property

Challenges of business resolutions, business conflicts and directors’ and officers’ liability

Urban property leases

Condominium processes

Family law matters (separation and divorce, paternity suits, incapacitation, appointment of curators and guardians)

Succession matters (Interrogatio in iure, court declaration of abintestate heirs, will contestation, forced heirship, estate settlement)


The Area of Collection Management was set up in 2003. Since then it has dealt with over 4.000 out-of-court settlements and lawsuits, which have largely had successful outcomes for our clients.

We have an IT application for processing our collection management cases that was developed by the firm and is being constantly updated to adapt it to the specific needs of each client. In addition to our IT application, over the years we have written manuals on how to proceed in order to collect arrears based on the experience acquired in these types of claims. These manuals have been written so that they can be adapted to each client and claim, which allows us to manage collections more effectively.

Processing Protocols:

Using the settings defined for each type of client and particular case, the IT application issues a daily report to the staff who work in the Area of Collection Management on the cases that have to be processed and the procedures each of them must go through. The reports are based on the Collection Procedures Manual that applies to any given type of claim.

Once a case has been opened and defined, the application automatically generates a first reminder form or the document that must be drafted. From then on, the Procedures Manual will give updates on the next steps to be carried out depending on the type of case. The Area of Collection Management follows a strict protocol in terms of deadlines and procedures, previously defined in the application. This avoids any mistakes or delays in processing a case.


We inform our clients regularly and in the format they request of all the carried out procedures, including uploading information to their IT applications if necessary. We likewise provide clients with any statistical information they may require so that they can track the status of their claims portfolio.

The Department of Tax Law gives advice to individuals, the self-employed, professionals, trading companies and other entities on the following matters:

General tax matters

Specific business transactions and other operations

Business restructuring operations

Tax planning on asset management and succession to family businesses

The drawing up of all periodic and annual tax returns, whatever their line of business and the tax obligations to which they are subject

The drawing up of tax returns to be submitted to the Bank of Spain and the National Statistics Institute

The legal representation of clients in proceedings filed by tax management and inspection bodies

The filing of appeals and claims in contentious administrative proceedings against the respective competent bodies of the local, autonomous and central government bodies

Representation in contentious administrative hearings

The Department of Accounting offers clients help and advice in the following areas:

Our clients’ finance, accounting and tax departments, including assistance during the audit of the annual accounts

Internal audits for drafting and monitoring financial statements, and for examining the profitability of assets, financial performance, cash flow and financing systems

Processing of accounting information in IT applications contained in documentation submitted by clients

Cost and management accounting

Analysis, study and calculation of transfer pricing in related-party transactions

Financial restructuring of liabilities

Evaluations of businesses and branches of business in disputes with shareholders and in corporate operations

Drawing up and monitoring of viability plans

Analysis and assessment of financial statements prior to filing for administration, drawing up of the economic and financial documentation required to file for bankruptcy and assistance to the receivers

The Labour Law Department offers consulting services to individuals, independent contractors, professionals, companies and other entities in the following areas:

Contracts, including special labour relationships (senior management contracts); drafting and/or review of special clauses

Collective bargaining agreements and working conditions

Substantial changes to working conditions

Subrogation with change of owner (business succession)

Suspension of employment contracts and reduction of working hours

Objective or collective dismissals

Disciplinary dismissals and proceedings

Actions for violation of fundamental rights

Relations with labour unions and labour representatives

Appeals of violations

Case preparation and defence in labour proceedings

Advice and defence in labour inspection matters

The Social Security Department offers consulting services in the following areas:

Benefits such as unemployment, retirement and disability, including legal actions and defence in court

On-the-job accidents and employer liability

Special retirements arrangements

Social security taxes and deferral requests


The Department of Insurance Law is staffed by lawyers specialised in procedural law and insurance law. They have between 10 and 20 years of experience and are experts in defending the most reputable insurance companies in legal proceedings brought against them by their customers, other insurance companies and third parties. As a firm, we have defended their interests in over 2,000 civil proceedings related to all branches of insurance in all courts of law.


The experience of the Area of Legal Proceedings for Insurance Companies means that the clients to whom we render our services in their position as defendants can expect a success rate of between 70 and 80%.


Once we have reached a consensus with our clients on time scales and paperwork, we manage the whole loss recovery claims process using an IT application designed and developed by the firm. It issues a daily report to the staff who work in the Area of Loss Recovery Claims on the cases that have to be processed and the procedures each of them must go through. The reports are based on the Loss Recovery Claims Procedures Manual written by the firm.

Once a case has been opened and the type of claim defined, the application automatically generates an initial first reminder to be sent out. From then on, the Loss Recovery Claims Procedures Manual will give updates on the next steps to be taken depending on the replies received. The Area of Loss Recover Claims follows a strict protocol in terms of deadlines and procedures, previously defined with the client and fed into the application. This avoids any mistakes or delays in processing a case.

Whenever out-of-court settlements run over the set deadline for reaching an agreement, the lawyer assigned to oversee the client’s case will assess the viability (legal and financial) of filing a claim with the courts.

We inform our clients regularly and in the format they have requested of all of the procedures carried out, including uploading information to their IT applications. We likewise provide clients with any statistical information they may require (related to amounts, branch of insurance, broker, etc.) so that they can track the status of their loss recovery claims portfolio.


This department provides the following services:

Assistance and advice over the telephone and via email to the managers of homeowners associations on their daily working practices.

Face-to-face training at our clients’ offices on the latest legislative and legal developments.

Advice on the constitution of buildings under the horizontal property regime and on the drawing up and modification of the articles of association of homeowners associations.

Assistance and advice on homeowners meetings, and on the drawing up of resolutions and minutes.

Drawing up of public deeds and their registration with the Land Registry in the case of resolutions passed at meetings that must be publicly recorded.

Advice on the drawing up of all types of contracts.

Legal proceedings:

Out-of-court settlements and the filing of claims for homeowners association fees.

Legal proceedings to prohibit activities that are a public nuisance or that are not permitted pursuant to the articles of association.

Legal proceedings to remedy the deterioration of shared facilities.

Defence in legal proceedings to challenge resolutions passed by homeowners associations.


Our experience in rendering professional services to property managers shows that the most common dispute in horizontal property regimes is about arrears in the payment of homeowners association fees. The quick and effective management of such situations results in a high success rate in collecting these fees.

We have an IT application for processing such cases that was developed by the firm and is being constantly updated to adapt it to the specific needs of each client. In addition to our IT application, over the years we have written a Collection Procedures Manual on how to proceed in order to collect arrears based on the experience acquired in these types of claims that allows us to manage collections more effectively.

We inform our clients regularly and in the format they have requested of all of the procedures carried out and we provide them with any statistical information they may require so that they can track the status of their claims portfolio and, in turn, so that they can provide the best possible service to their clients.


This department provides the following services:

Assistance and advice over the telephone and via email to the managers of homeowners associations on their daily working practices.

Face-to-face training at our clients’ offices on the latest legislative and legal developments.

Advice on the drawing up of lease agreements and all other types of contractual documentation.

Review and audit of lease agreements and the legal framework to which they are subject.

Legal proceedings:

Eviction due to the default on or arrears in rent payments.

Eviction due to the termination of lease agreements.

Eviction due to occupancy without lease.

Eviction due to the unauthorised assignment of tenancy.

Eviction orders pursuant to the legal grounds provided for in the 1964 Lease Act.

Legal proceedings to prohibit activities that are a public nuisance or that are not permitted pursuant to the articles of association.

Enforcement orders and the termination of agreements due to unauthorised building work.

Defaults on Rent:

Our experience has shown that the successful outcome for our clients in eviction proceedings against tenants for non-payment depends on their diligent management and tight control in order to recover the possession of the property in the shortest possible delay. As the law now stands, if landlords react quickly the first time a tenant defaults on the payment of rent, not only will they recover the possession of their property more quickly but they will also increase their chances of collecting the rent due as the tenant will not have built up a backlog of unpaid rent, which may forestall legal action given the small amount claimed or, if an enforcement of payment ruling is handed down, this may mean that the tenant has sufficient assets to settle the outstanding rent due.

Once a claim has been filed, we closely monitor the procedure to avoid situations that commonly arise in processing the paperwork that can delay proceedings. We regularly inform clients throughout the procedure about all of the milestones in their case, whether great or small, namely: the filing of the claim, the date set for the court hearing and the eviction, the dismissal of the case, appeals filed by tenants and the results of the case, such as the judgment, the handing down of an eviction order and the enforcement of payment.

Furthermore, we send our clients a general report on the status of all of the matters in process frequently and in the format they have requested. We also provide them with any statistical information they may need to track the status of their claims portfolio and, in turn, so that they can provide the best possible service to their clients

Spain’s legal system on land use is perhaps one of the most complex in the world, not only because of its long history but also because there are many laws that apply to this area of the law as both central government and the governments of the autonomous communities have the powers to legislate on it. This complexity, together with the myriad of interrelationships between land use law and other branches of the law, particularly tax law, make it advisable insofar as is possible to seek expert advice as a precautionary measure to avoid future disputes between parties. For instance, problems may arise because a clause in an agreement has not been clearly written, the choice of one type of agreement or another has different tax liabilities, the failure to check the land registry could give rise to unforeseen circumstances or, in short, given the multiple interests at stake any matter that has not been looked into properly could give rise to problems.

We give our clients expert advice on any matters related to contract law and real estate law, whether at the initial stages, as a precautionary measure or at the lawsuit stage. Our Department of Procedural Law has long-standing experience in dealing with pre-trial proceedings, such as negotiation, mediation, reconciliation or amicable settlement, as well as in acting as legal counsel in all types of legal and arbitration proceedings.

In the Public Law Department, we have extensive experience in giving specialised legal advice to individuals, companies, concessionary companies, territorial administrations, instrumental administrations and public law corporations.

In the Administrative Law Department, we provide our professional services on the following matters, among others:

Legal advice and defence in all types of administrative proceedings: sanction, disciplinary, authorizations, grants, repayments, tax, cadastre, etc.

Legal claims in cases of liability of the Public Administration.

Public service.

Administrative authorizations, licenses, and start of activity communications.

Unlawful conduct.

Administrative appeals.

Legal counsel and defence in administrative judicial proceedings in all stages and matters, including proceedings regarding the challenge of general provisions.

Legal advice regarding professional bodies.

Administrative concessions.

Urban planning:

Legal advice, drafting and processing of general and specific urban planning instruments.

Urban management. Legal advice, drafting and processing of land readjustment projects.

Drafting of statutes and bases of action for compensation boards and other urban collaborating entities.

Legal advice in urban planning projects.

Legal advice and drafting of urban planning agreements.

Legal counsel in the drafting of pleadings in the public consultation stage, as well as in administrative and judicial appeals related to the approval of urban planning instruments, urban management and urban projects.

Processing of authorizations and local urban licenses (works, activities, first occupation, change of use and communications).

Legal advice regarding specific authorizations and licenses (touristic licenses, non-buildable land, etc.).

Legal counsel in cases of inspection, urban legality protection, sealing of activities, urban planning discipline, demolition warrants and penalties.

Legal advice in cases of maritime zone demarcation, easements, concessions and administrative authorizations.

Disciplinary proceedings regarding the specific coastline regulations.


Forced expropriation. Legal advice in all types of expropriation proceedings: joint rates, ordinary proceedings, urgent proceedings, temporary occupation, direct occupation and expropriation by law.

Legal advice in the determination and valuation of the affected assets and rights, in collaboration with prestigious architect firms specialised in valuations.

Drafting of the appraisal sheet and any actions required before the Expropriation Jury.


Legal counsel in the administrative appeals against decisions of the Expropriation Jury and judicial appeals derived from expropriation proceedings.

From the Public Law Department, we provide legal advice regarding local taxation. In particular:

Local taxes (Property Tax, Tax on the Increase of Value in Urban Land, Special Contributions, Taxes, etc.)

Challenge of cadastral value presentations.

Challenge and reviewing of cadastral values.

Cadastral proceedings (statements, communications and discrepancy correcting).

Administrative appeals and economic-administrative claims before the economic-administrative courts.

We are experts in claiming damages derived from conducts carried out by the Public Administration. We draft the corresponding claim before the administrative authority, and we provide legal counsel in the judicial proceedings.

We have extensive experience in advising pharmacy offices:

Population-based studies in different regions in order to determine the viability of the opening of a new facility.

Drafting of requests for a new facility opening and monitoring of the process until the end.

Studies about a possible facility transfer.

Facility modifications.

Opening of pharmaceutical dispensaries.

Pharmacy office sales and donations.

Legal counsel in all types of administrative and judicial appeals related to the matter (new facilities transfers, facility modifications, opening refusals and penalties).

From our Immigration Law Department, we provide the following services:

Processing of Work visas.

Processing of Residence visas.

Processing of Student visas.

EU Registration Certificates.

Consular assistance in Spain.

Acquisition of the Spanish nationality.

Information about particular migration process.

Work and Residence permit.

Residence Permit.

Work and Residence Permit for highly qualified persons.

Residence permit for investors.

Residence permit for students.

Application to obtain an Identity Document (TIE/NIE).

Residence permit for the spouse or family group (family regrouping).


José Manuel Alburquerque

Lawyer | Partner

Anna Montserrat

Lawyer | Partner

Laura Garriga

Lawyer | Partner

Patricia López

Lawyer | Partner

David Rovira

Lawyer | Partner

Enrique Moreno

Lawyer | Partner

Fernando Sobrino

Economist | Partner

Gemma Solanas


Fernando Cuatrecasas


Marta Asbert


Jaume Muñoz-Ramos


Ana Mª Barnadas


María José Mosquera


Anabel López


Mª del Carmen Mosquera


David González


Silvia Serrano


Natalia Schmitz


Sandra Otero


Silvia Mas


Ángela Garrido


Alicia Gutiérrez


Nuria Santacana


Yolanda Ginés


Judith Suriñach


You can contact us by calling

C/. Travessera de Gràcia 62, ático 2ª (08006 Barcelona - Spain)